gCAD3D Codes and Formats

General code format Variable Points Lines Vectors Circles Curves Plane / Reference system Surfaces Solids Notes / Dimensions Models Transformations Interactions Joints Group values 19 RAD_360 V20 X(10) SQRT(L20) .. ObjRefs P(L20 0.5) .. properties # properties filtercodes objName .. Program_codes Attributes Linetype, default-color, .. Settings Toolbars, Browser .. ON/OFF gcad file format

General format

The native (internal) format is .gcad. Its objectcodes are stored as asciitext, not binary. You can also create / modify modelfiles (.gcad) with any editor. Processing is done sequential by a interpreter. All objects in memory are kept in analytical form with all definition parameters (Ascii text, analytical form) Curves and surfaces (ellipses, Ruled and Revolved Surfaces) are not converted into Splines/NURBS, they are stored / exported in their orignal form. The file format .gcad is the same as the internal format. There are 3 types of codes: Definition-codes: Generates geometric objects. Format is: "{DB-obj} = {parameters ..} [# {properties}" DB-obj: is stored in DB, consists of a type-letter and a DB-index (the obj-ID or DB-ID) example: "P123" is a point with DB-index 123 DB-index 0 is reserved for the active object; DB-indexes 1 to 19 should be kept free for script-functions. parameters: functionCodes (eg INT (intersect) CUT (trim) ..) DB-objs (eg L20 (db-line 20) dynamic-objs (eg P(10 5 0) ..; see dynamic-obj) values (eg 10 (direct) or V20 (DB-variable 20) or VAL(expression) ..) see values propertyCodes (eg REV (revers) ..) properties (optional, separated by '#', see properties) Definition-codes for points eg: (see Points) P123=P(10 5 0) # point-123 = point at x=10, y=5, z=0 - with parameters: P124=INT S30 L24 # intersection curve-30 with line-24 P126=PRJ P37 L21 # projection of P37 onto line-21 Definition-codes for lines eg: (see Lines) L20=L(P20 P(10 5 0)) # line from point 20 to coords (10 5 0) - with parameters: L20=TNG P30 C20 # line-20 is a tangent from point-30 to circle-20 Create definition-codes: - with module CAD - see using CAD - or with module MAN - see using MAN - or produce the codes direct (with editor or scripts or plugins ..) Execution-codes: - set / change attibutes (Linetype, color, construction-plane ..) - consist of a direct statement, eg DEFCOL 0 0 220 # set default colour blue see Attributes and Settings Programming-codes: - control the programflow (IF JUMP CALL EXIT DEBUG PRI ..) eg PRI "P20=" P20" # print coords. of point P20 see - Programmingcodes

All objects stored in DB need one of the following codeletters: Codeletters: A = Area (surface) B = Body (Solid) C = Circle (circle), D = Direction (vector) I = Interaction J = Joint L = Line M = Model, Sub-model, mockup model, standard part of N = Note, Tag, bitmap image P = Point (points) R = Refsys (referencesystem, plane) S = Spline (B-spline-curve, polygon, trimmed-curve, ..) T = Transformation (Translation, rotation, .. ) U = Union (Group) V = Variable (value number.) DB-index: 0 (zero) can not be used (is the current object) Is a positive number for permanent objects, Is a negative number for temporary objects that are dynamically generated.


Identification key for a variable is V.
see also CAD functions variable - stores a numeric value in DB; "V{DB-index}={numeric_expression}" Example: V20=25 # DB-variable 20 = 25 C20=P20 V20 # circle aroud P25 with radius = 25 V21=V20 * 2 V22=2 * X(P20) # V22 is X-coord. of P20 * 2 Numeric expressions see values


Identification letter code of a point is P.
see also CAD-point functions, see also ObjRefs # 3D point absolute P21 = P(10 20 0) # points from polar coordinates (rotate around the active Z-axis) # P = BasePoint, RotationAngle, [Tilt Angle,] Distance P5 = P4 ANG(90) 25 # 25 units from P4 along X-axis rotated 90 deg around origin/Z-axis P6 = P4 ANG(90) ANG(45) 50 # rotate P4 90 degrees and tilt up 45 degrees, length 50. # create point with offset # P = BasePoint, [X-offset,] [X-offset,] [Z-offset] P21 = P20 X(10) Y(5) # move point P20 10 units along x-axis, 5 units along y-axis # move point; # P = BasePoint, Direction, [Distance,] [NormalDistance] P21 = P20 D20 10 # move P21 into direction of vector D20 distance 10 P22 = P21 D(P20 P21) 10 # - vector from P20-P21 P23 = P20 D(L20) 10 # - vector from line # get characteristic points of objs; eg startpoint, endpoint, midpoint .. See characteristic-point-functions P20=C20 # center of circle: or P20=C20 PTS(1) P24=L21 PTS(2) # endpoint of line, or: P24=P(L21 PTS(2)) P7=S20 PTS(2) # endpoint of curve S20 P3=P1 P2 # midpoint P3=L1 PTS(3) # midpoint # point from joint-import (joint 1 from submoodel M20) P20=IMP M20 J1 # Rotate a Point around the Z-axis of the active construction plane # P = BasePoint, RotationAngle, [Tilt Angle,] [Distance] # optional: rotate (tilt) normal to the Z-axis # optional: distance from BasePoint to new point P3 = P1 P2 ANG(180) # rotate P2 180 degrees around P1/Z-axis P4 = P1 P2 ANG(90) ANG(45) # rotate P2 180 degrees around P1/Z-axis P5 = P1 P2 ANG(45) DX # rotate P2 45 degrees around P1/DX P6 = P1 L2 ANG(30) # rotate P1 30 degrees around line L2 # Rotate a Point around a axis: # P = point, rot-axis, angle P21=P20 L20 ANG(30) # rotate P20 30 degrees around line L20 # project point onto obj (line, circle, spline ..) # P = [PRJ] point, curve [solution-nr] P2 = P1 L1 # project P1 onto line L1 # or P2 = PRJ P1 L1 P11=P1 S10 MOD(2) # 2. solution-point of projetion onto curve S10 P22=P20 R20 # projection onto plane R20 # point from intersection obj - obj (line, circle, spline ..) # P = INT curve, curve, [solutionNr] P4=INT L1 L2 # point from intersection line L1 - Line L2 P4=INT C1 C2 MOD(2) # intersection-point nr. 2 from intersection C1 - C2 P41 = L20 A20 # intersection Line - B-SplineFläche # transfer point into other reference-system # P = TRA point, plane P20=TRA P20 R20 # transform point P10 into reference-system from plane R20


Identification key for Line is L.
see also CAD-Function Linie see also ObjRefs P20=10 0 0 L20= P20 P(100 100 0) # line between 2 points L21=Y(10) # horizontal line at Y=10 L22=DY P20 # direction y-axis, starting at P20 # line with given direction: # additional parameter can be length, offset-values, CX, UNL/UNL1/UNL2 L23=P20 ANG(45) # starting at P20, with direction (vector) L24=D(ANG(0) ANG(30)) P20 # with rot-angle and tilt-angle # rotation is around active z-axis, tilt is normal to z-axis. L25=D(L24) P(50 -100 0) # parallel L24, new startpoint L26=L23 L24 # angle bisector, from intersectionpoint L27=L23 L24 ANG(90) # angle bisector, additionally rotated # line tangential to 2 objects: # additional parameter can be MOD, REV, UNL/UNL1/UNL2 # line tangent to 2 circles (Location: in out) L31=TNG C20 C21 MOD(2) # line tangential to circle, parallel to line. L30=TNG C20 D(L1) MOD(1) # line tangent to circle with a fixed angle L32=TNG C20 D(ANG(45)) MOD(1) # tangent line through point P10 to S10 curve. L33=TNG P20 S10 MOD(1) # line through point, tangential to circle L34=TNG P1 C1 MOD(1) # cut line; result is a trimmed-curve (S) S20=CUT R20 R21 # projection of a line onto plane. L40=PRJ L20 R20

Vector / direction

Identification key for a vector is the letter D ( "Direction").
A vector defines a direction and is not bound to any position. representation of vectors: - vectors are only temporarily displayed, - Always in the center of the screen. - Normalized vectors (with length 1) in black, otherwise red. The following are standard vectors: DX DY DZ according to standard axis directions; DIX DIY DIZ correspond to the inverse standard axis directions Display of Vectors: - Vectors are only temporarly represented; - standard-vectors are displayed in the lower right corner - scan through defined vectors with the PageUp or PageDown button - Standardized vectors (with length 1) as dashed line, otherwise as full line. See also CAD-Function Vector Definition of a vector: see vector see also dynamic vectors Standard formats # defined by vector direction and length. # D = D(dx, dy [, dz]) [length] [ "REV"] D1=DX 100 D2=D(10 0) D3=D(0.7 0 0.7) 100 # Define vector by rotation-angle, tilt-angle (optional), vector length (optional). D3 = ANG(30) 100 D4 = ANG(90) ANG(30) 100 # First rotate around Z-axis, then around the new Y-axis. # ANG(0) ANG(0) - gives Vector 1,0,0 # ANG(90) ANG(0) - gives Vector 0,1,0 # ANG(90) ANG(30) - gives Vector 0,0.9,0.5 # ANG(180) ANG(30) - gives Vector -0.9,0,0.5 # vector from 2 points, vector length (optional) D5=P1 P2 D5=P1 P2 100 # vector from line, vector length (optional) D6=L10 100 # vector = tangent to curve D25=C20 PTS(1) # tangent at startpoint of C20 D24=C20 0.25 # tangent to circle at 25% (eg 90 deg for full circle) # standard-vectors of Circ, ellipse, Plane through Modifier: # MOD plane ellipse circle # 0 Z-axis normal-axis normal-axis # 1 X-axis major-axis center-startpoint # 2 Y-axis minor-axis center-endpoint D20 = C20 MOD(2) provides the vecto centerpoint - endpoint of C20 # Normal vectors: # D = Circle # D = Ellipse # D = Plane # D = Point Point Point # D = Line Line # D = Line Point # D = Vector Line # D = Vector Point Point D21=C20 100 # vector in the direction of the Z-axis of C20, length 100 D22=R10 REV # vector in the opposite direction of the Z-axis of plane R10 D23=L20 L21 # normal-vector to lines L20 L21

Circle / Arc

Identification key for circle/arc is C
see also CAD functions circle / arc (Circle / Arc) Definition of a circle by defining an arc by: - C (Start Point Endpoint centre [Z-axis] [Rotation direction]) - C (endpoint center [Z-axis] [Rotation direction]) Points here with index "P20" or "xCoord yCoord [Z (zCoord]" For example: | C (25 0 0 25 0 0) If the starting point, then the endpoint is the last P(), L() or C() - the definition used. - Selection of a circle, the name, eg "C20" - selection of a circle in a Contour (CCV): C (S{ccv} MOD({ccvSegNumber})) Deviation: The deviation for the presentation of the circles can be set directly in Standards/Tolerances with tolerances for the representation – Polygon." Furthermore, by changing the Model size (MODSIZ) the deviation is set. Parameter direction of rotation: CW (clockwise) or CCW (counter-clockwise) The specification of CCW is not required (default). The turning point is valid if the spin axis of the eye of the beholder shows. # Circle copy C2 = C1 Standard formats: # concentrically. circles. Negative radius difference shrinks the circle. C2 = C1 (radius differential) # center point, point at the periphery [Z-axis vector] C3 = P1 P2 C3 = P1 P2 D(1 0 1) # center, tangential to Line/Circ C1 = P1 L1 C1 = P1 C1 # Tangential to 2 elements, radius. # C1 = P1, L1, Radius, page # C2 = P1, C1, Radius, page # C5 = L1, L2, Radius, page # C5 = L1, C1, radius, Page # C5 = C1, C2, Radius, page L1 = X (10) L2 = Y (10) C1 = L1 L2 VAL(5) MOD(1) # 2 points on the scale radius. page on which the center is located. # C1 = P1 P2 radius side Z-axis vector P20 = P(98.6 5.4 0) P21 = P(114.5 -15.2 0) C22 = P20 P21 VAL(12) MOD(1) DR # point at the periphery, tangent, radius . #C1 = P1 L1 radius side L20 = P(44.6 -32.8 0) P(86.5 -69.3 0) P26 = P(56.2 -35.5 0) C21 = P26 L20 VAL(8) MOD(2) # point at the periphery, tangential to a circle. # C2 = P1 C1 radius page C20 = P (114.5 -15.2 0) VAL (12) DR P27 = P (96.9 -19.7 0) C21 = P27 C20 VAL (8) MOD (1) # Circle through three edge points C20 = P (0 0) P (10 0) P (10 10) Arc (limited circles): Start center point of rotation angle Z-axis vector C21 = ARC P20 P21 ANG(90) DZ Circ ARC starting point endpoint center [Z] [Rotation direction] Arc from start point endpoint center (center axis of rotation direction) Rotation direction: CW (clockwise) or CCW (counter-clockwise, default). The turning point is valid if the spin axis of the eye of the beholder shows. C20 = ARC P1 P2 P3 C31 = ARC P(10,0,10) P(0,10,10) P(0,0,10) = C32 = ARC P(10,0,0) P(0,0,10) P( 0,0,0) D(0,1,0) CW Circ ARC start point, end point, radius, Z-axis Arc from start point endpoint radius center axis Radius: positive for clockwise, negative for counter-clockwise. C21 ARC = P(251 23 0) P(189 75 0) VAL(50) DZ Double arc through the starting point, starting direction, and radius. off direction: the tangent to the circle in the Start point. A vector. Angle: start angle, optional, default is 360 degrees. Axis vector optional. [CW / CCW] is the direction of rotation; optional ( "CW"). Example: End tangents of a Clothoid as the start direction. S20 = CLOT P(0 0 0) DX ANG(30) 0 10 P20 = P(S20 1) D20 = TNG P20 S20 C20 = ARC P20 D20 25 ANG(30) Arc through three points on the edge C20 = ARC1 P (0 0) P (10 0) P (10 10) Implicit Definition of circles/arcs: C ((starting point) (end) (center) [Z] [Direction]) C ((end) (center) [Z] [Direction]) here only points with index "P20" or "xCoord yCoord [Z (zCoord] " Example: C(25 0 0 25 0 0) Circle from copyfunction These formats are generated when selecting features Circle from CCV: C(S{ccv} MOD({ccvSegNumber}))


Identification letter for curves is S (spline).
see also CAD functions for curves Polygon ellipse Clothoide free-form curve (B-Spline) contour (compound curve) polynomial curve (currently only import programs or MANual) Standard sizes ellipse: ellipse from center, endpoint main axis, endpoint Besides axis: S1 = ELL P (100 0) P (150 0) P (100 20) ellipse from center, the main vector, vector addition axis: S1 = ELL P(100 0) D(10 0) D(0 5) (the vectors defining the direction and length of main and secondary axes) Limited ellipse from center, main axis vector, secondary axis vector, starting point and end point: S1 ELL = P(0 0) D(10 0) D(0 5) P(10 0) P(-10 0) projection of an ellipse from circle on plane: S20 = R20 ELL C20 Standard formats polygon: Parallelogram from one point and 2 vectors: S = REC pt1 vec1 vec2 (vectors: the direction and length!) S20 = REC P(100 0 0) D(50 0 0) D(0 12 0) Polygon of points: S# = POL, point1, point2 <POINT3, .. pointn> P20=P(10,10) P21=P(20,20,15) P22=P(25,20) S24=POL P20 P21 P22 P(30,12,0) P(30,10,10) P(40,30,10) Polygon projected onto plane S#=POL Polygon Refsys S20=POL P(30,0) P(30,10,10) P(40,30,20) S21=POL S20 R0 3D-Polygon from B-Spline: S#=POL,B-Spline,Tolerance Standard formats Clothoids: Create a clothoid curve (by a planar spiral through Fresnel integrals). Start Point Start Point Start Vector Start direction (or vector angle) Angle Difference Angle off direction-toward the end point is positive, clockwise (CW); negative: counterclockwise (CCW). Start radius Radius at the start point, or 0 for infinite radius EndRadius Radius at the end point or 0 to infinity [Z-Axis] Normal vector; optional. S20 = CLOT P(0 0 0) ANG( 0) ANG(30) 0 10 Example Model: see sample_cloth1.gcad To export a clothoid curve: DXF: Output as POLYLINE. Iges: output entity 106 (CopiousData, form 12 = 3D polygon). Standard formats B-spline: B-spline from control points/node vector: S-bsp=BSP, ptNr, degree, control points, node vector, startup parameters, end parameter ptNr = number of control points, control points: the control points, number = ptNr, 3 values (X/Y/Z). node vector: the distance parameter, number = ptNr + degree + 1 S20 GNP, 6.3, -178,109,0, -166,128,0, -144,109,0, -109,112,0, -106,134,0, -119.138, 0,0,0 , 0,0,0.333333,0.666667,1,1,1,1,0,1 B-Spline from points: S-bsp = BSP{points} [, degree] [, CTRL] CTRL: whether the defined points are transit points or control points. P20 = P (78.9) P21 = P (66.28) P22 = P (44,9,25) P23 = P (9.12) P24 = P (6.34) # B-spline from Points S20 + BSP, P20, P21, P22, P23, P24 B-spline from polygon: S-bsp = BSP {polygon} [, degree] [, CTRL] CTRL: whether the defined points are transit points or control points. P20 = P (78.9) P21 = P (66.28) P22 = P (44,9,25) P23 = P (9.12) P24 = P (6.34) # B-spline from points S20 = GNP, P20 , P21, P22, P23, P24 # Polygon from Points: DRAW OFF S21 = POL, P20, P21, P22, P23, P24 # BSpline from Polygon DRAW ON S22=BSP, S21 B-Spline = isoparametric curve from a surface Currently from B-Spline surface only, entry point instead of parameter value has not yet been implemented S-bsp = ISO {B-Spline surface} {parameter value} [{direction}] (Modifier CX = across; Default = along) # cross-section curve in the middle of the Surface A20: S20 = ISO A20 0.5 CX Standard format contour (compound curve): Contour ("concatenated Curve"-CCV), The contour begins and ends at a point. Elements: points, lines, circles, curves. Following circles and curves, the direction of rotation (CW or CCW) can be defined. It will automatically be formed normal to lines and arcs. Format: S# = CCV {contour elements} Example: C20 = P(39.26) VAL( 22) S20 = CCV P (7.25) C20 CW P (35.58) Standard format polynomial curve: Polynomial curve from evaluating a polynomial: S# = PSP3, arc1{, arc2, .. arcn} Polynomial curve with 1-n arcs. An arc comprises 13 numbers, the distance value and the evaluated polynomial xa, ya, za, xb, yb, zb, xc, yc, zc and xd, yd, zd. xa, ya, za defines a passage point. S20=PSP3,0,3.84815,0.967105,0,0.577021,0.207039,0,0,0,0,-0.169071,0.140166,0, 1,4.2561,1.31431,0,0.069808,0.627537,0,-0.507212,0.420498,0,0.341924, -0.327596,0,2,4.16062,2.03475,0,0.081155,0.485747,0,0.518559,-0.562288,0, -0.183075,0.224101,0,3,4.57726,2.18231,0,0.56905,0.033474,0,-0.030664, 0.110016,0,-0.060996,-0.13481,0,4,5.05465,2.19099,0,0.324734,-0.150924,0, -0.213651,-0.294414,0,0.071217,0.098138,0,5,5.23695,1.84379,0,0.111083, -0.445338,0,0,0,0,0.427303,0.588828,0

Solids (Bodies)

Identification letter for Solids is B (Body).
see also CAD-Functions for Solids (Bodies) Cone Torus Sphere Prism
Sphere: # Sphere from the radius center: B1 = SPH P(0 0 0) 12 # Sphere from circle: C1 = P(0 0 0) 12 B2 = SPH C1 Cone-shaped body: B2 = CON Midpoint_1 Midpoint_2 Radius_1 Radius_2 B20 = CON P(0 0 0) P(100 0 0) VAL(60) VAL(40) B3 = CON circle_1 circle_2 C20 = P(0 0 0) VAL(100) DX C21 = P(100 0 0) VAL(40) DX B20 = CON C20 C21 B1 = CON base_circle point_cone_top Torus / circular ring: B# = TOR centrPt axis Radius_major Radius_minor B# = TOR L C // axis outer_circle B# = TOR C C // main_circle, outer_circle B# = TOR R C // mani_radius, outer_circle The axis of the circle of skin is the main axis. The minor circle axis is always normal to the main axis. Radius_major circle is entirely on the outside, and is always positive. Modifier_outer_Inner: required for selection of a variant where the Radius_major circle is smaller than the Radius_minor circle. B20=TOR P(0 0 0) DZ VAL(100) VAL(25) C20=P(100 0 0) VAL(25) DY B20=TOR P(0 0 0) DZ C20 Prism: B = PRISM plane_Base_surface Vector/Point/thickness plane_Base surface: Closed Polygon/Circle/Ellipse The opposite surface may be a point or defined by a vector or by the thickness (for example wall thickness). # Prism from Parallelogram and vector S20=REC P(100 0 0) D(50 0 0) D(0 12 0) B20=PRISM S20 D(0 0 10) # Prism from circle with thickness (cylinder height) C20=P(289 -20.8 0) VAL(125) DZ B20=PRISM C20 25 # Conic prism from polygon 20=P(768 -457 0) S20=POL P20 P(930 -474 0) P(1029 -251 0) P(971 -246 0) P(891 -412 0) P(801 -407 0) P20 B21=PRISM S20 P(900 -500 200)

Notes / Dimensions

Identification letter for Notes/Dimensions is N.
see also CAD-Functions for Notes / Dimensions The font size for text and dimensioning is defined by DEFTX {Textsize} {DimTextSiz} {text general scale} {number decimal places} or interactively in Standards/Text. Default values in the file {base}/xa/gCAD3D.rc. TODO: TEXTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOT EXPORTED TO IGS or DXF. For interactive modification of the parameters Marrow, Mline and additional text a user interface is to be created.


Identification letter for Models is M.
see also CAD-Functions for Models A model (a Assembly) can consist of several Models (Sub-models)


Identification letter for Transformations is T.
see also CAD-Functions for Definition of Transformations see also CAD-functions for modifying geometry

Rotation CW (clockwise) or CCW (counter-clockwise) The specification of CCW is not required (default). The rotation results in plan view of the axis of rotation as seen by the eye of the beholder.

Rotation angle (Rotate) The rotation is around the Z-axis of the active construction plane. Input directly: Angle Enter indirectly: ANG(angle) Output format: ANG(angle ()), for example: ANG(30) - rotation by 30 degrees # Angle value ANG (angle value [REV]) # Direction vector ANG (D [ANG () / REV]) # Line (direction) ANG (L [ANG () / REV]) # 2 Points (direction) ANG (P P [ANG () / REV]) In CAD mode, the PgUp / PgDown button can add together one additional (relative) angle value of about +90 degrees. (There must have been a prior selection to indicate direction (eg select a line)).

Tilt angle The rotation (tilting) is done to the new Y-axis created by a rotation of the Z-axis. A tilt angle of 90 degrees provides the Z-axis (independent from the angle of rotation). Output format: ANG({angle}), for example: ANG(30) - rotation by 30 degrees Example of rotate and tilt: ANG(90) ANG(30) There the object is rotated 90 degrees around the Z axis; The horizontal axis now corresponds to the old X-axis, tilt axis at this tilt is now around 30 degrees. A negative tilt angle rotates in the opposite direction.

Page 1 / 2 Page: with PageUp / Down button; 1, 2 lateral right / left; Output Format: MOD (1) or MOD (2)

Color - [color 0-10] 0 = black 1 = DefCol 2 = red 3 = green 4 = blue 5 = yellow 6 = magenta 7 = cyan 8 = white 9 = hilite 10 = dimmed

SymbolType - [symbolTyp (0-6)] 0 = star small, 1 = small triangle 2 = small circle 3 = large rectangle 4 = normalized vector (always same length, arrowhead points to EndpointVector) 5 = vector (with correct length, arrowhead is at EndpointVector) 6 = Arrowhead 2D (SymbolPosition is the arrowhead)

Symbolic modelfilenames

A symbolic-directory is a abbreviation for a directory-path. A symbolic file name consists of "{symbolic-path}/{filename}" The assignements symbolic-path to full-directory-path are defined in files. All symbolic path-names are defined in the active directory-path-file. The active directory-path-file can be changed with select directory-path-group). The default directory-path is ~/gCAD3D/dat; its symbolic name is "Data". Examples symbolic filenames: "Data/Niet1.dat" "Data/symEl1/res1.gcad" To edit the files see edit directory-path-group.

Group Identification key for group is U.
Select the objects in the group - the objects will be highlighted. Remove from the group by selecting again. Go to the next field with the Tab key. Example: # Group 2 surfaces U (A20 A21)
In the CAD input fields numerical values can be used (eg, for radius only) as well as variables, PI, the basic arithmetic and mathematics. Functions are also used (but not the functions X, Y, Z and L, C).

Format Attributes:

Set Hide / View # Hide object B20 SHOW B20 OFF # redisplay SHOW B20 Create new linetype ATTL Example: ATTL 20 9 2 4 # create lineAttribute 20 with color 009 = blue, 2=dashed, 4=linewidth Format: indexNr colour lineTyp lineThick // comment colour 3 digits; red, green, blue. 900 = red, 090 = green, 009 = blue; 000 = black; 999 = white, 990 = yellow .. lineTyp: 0 = full-line (VollLinie); 1 = dash-dot (Strich-Punkt), 2 = dashed (kurz strichliert) 3 = dashed-long (lang strichliert), lineThick: 1-6, thickness in pixels Max. nr of attribute-records is 44 (indexes 0 - 44) Defaults are in file /gCAD3D//ltyp.rc config is eg cfg_Linux. Set Linetypes # apply linentype 8 to objects L21 und L22 ATTL 8 L21 L22 # Siehe Defaultsettings Set surface attributes (color, shading, transparency ..) # set surface A21 symbolic (not shaded) ATTS "S" A21 # set transparent (T0=reset, T1=half transparent, T2=full transparent) ATTS "T2" A21 # set color green (red-share-0, green-share-255, blue-share-0) ATTS "C00ff00" A21 # reset previous color (default-colour) ATTS "C" A21 See also: Set Attributes


# menu off MODE MEN OFF # browser off MODE BRW OFF # upper toolbar off MODE BAR1 OFF # messagewindow off MODE BAR2 OFF # restore messagewindow MODE BAR2 ON # Display planes off MODE DISP_PL OFF # Display points on (in mode VWR display points is OFF per default) # interactive: Display/PointDisplay ON # - add at end of model - works for already existing objects MODE DISP_PT ON # Display points off MODE DISP_PT OFF # Display all object-names (interactive: Display/ObjNames ON) # - add at end of model - works for already existing objects MODE DISP_OID ON # do not display object-ID's of Notes (if "MODE DISP_OID ON" is active) # - add before defining Notes MODE DISP_ONAM_NT OFF


Direct: enter number with keybord; V20=10 V21=V20 + 10 Basic mathematic operations: + - / * ^ (plus minus multiply subtract power) Process * before +- not supported - - must be specified with brackets V35=10 + 5 * 2 # 30 V36=10 + (5 * 2) # 20 Power: V27=4^0.5 # result is 2 (4 to the power 0.5) Numeric Constants: PI PI 3.1415926535897932384 RAD_360 PI * 2 6.2831853071795862319 RAD_180 PI 3.1415926535897932384 RAD_90 PI / 2 1.5707963267948965579 RAD_1 PI / 180 0.0174532925199432954 SR_3 SQRT(3) 1.732050808 SR_2 SQRT(2) 1.414213562 V22=V21 * PI Geometric Constants: DX DY DZ DIX DIY DIZ Standardvektoren RX RY RZ RIX RIY RIZ Standardebenen Geometric funktions: X(P20) x-coordinate of point 20 Y(P20) y-coordinate of point 20 Z(P20) z-coordinate of point 20 VAL(C20) radius of circle 20 VAL(L20) length of line 20 VAL(P1 P2) length between 2 points VAL(P1 L1) normal distance from point to line ANG(..) angle Example: C21=P21 VAL(C20) # circle with same radius as C20 V29=ANG(D(L(P(0 0 0) P(10 10 0)))) # 45 - angle of vector from 2 points Mathematic functions: SIN () COS () TAN () ASIN () ACOS () ATAN ()) SQRT() square-root ABS() Absolute value (the sign is always positive) FIX() remove the numbers after the decimal point RND() Rounding. 1.3 to 1.0, 1.8 to 2.0, -1.3 to -1.0, -1.8 to -2.0 V24=ABS(-12.5) # 12.5 V25=FIX(1.8) # 1.0 Display content of variable: PRI "V26 = " V26 PRI "P20 = " P20


- Properties follow the definitioncode separated by '#' - Properties can be used for filtering objects (see Search / Name) Example: P20=0,0,0 # Origin BaseLayer V30=V20+(V21*1.2) # sum


- obj is stored in the dynamic-area, - is not yet stored in DB or is a sub-object of an DB-obj; - consists of a type-letter and parameters Example new defined dynamic-obj: P(10 5 0) # point at x=10, y=5, z=0; L(P20 P(10 5 0)) # line from point 20 to coords (10 5 0) D(V20 0 0) # vector - cartesian; x-coord from variable C(P(0 0 0) P(10 0 0)) # circle from centerpoint, point on circle Example sub-object: eg P(L20 PTS(1)) # startpoint of line L20 - is a reference to a component of an existing obj - this formats can come from object-selections see ObjRefs


- are parts of objects already stored in dB. - can come from object-selections - use this functionCodes: SEG(segment-nr) # SEG(1) is first segment of polygon or composite-curve (CCV) PTS(point-code) # PTS(1) gives startpoint, endpoint is PTS(2) PTI(point-index) # PTI(2) is the second point of a polygon Examples: P(C21 0.25) # parametric point on circle (parameter 0.25 = at 25 % of curve) P(S21 0.5) # parametric point on curve (parameter 0.5 = midpoint) P(L20 PTS(1)) # startpoint of line 21 (endpoint is PTS(2)) P(S21 PTI(7)) # point 7 of curve-21 (a polygon) P(S21 SEG(2) PTS(2)) # endpoint of segment 2 of compound-curve-S21 P(A20 {uPar} {vPar}) # Parametric point on a surface (not all surface-types yet supported) L(C20 0.25) # tangential line to circle (parameter 0.25 = at 25 % of curve) L(C21 PTS(2)) # tangential line to circle at endpoint L(C20 MOD(1)) # line from centerpoint of C20 to its startpoint L(S21 0.25) # tangential line to curve S21 at parametric pos. 0.25 L(S21 SEG(3)) # linesegment-3 of curve-21 (a polygon) L(S22 SEG(3) SEG(1)) # linesegment-1 of curve nr 3 (a polygon) of composite-curve S22 D(C21 0.25) # tangential vector to circle (parameter 0.25 = at 25 % of curve) D(S21 PTS(1)) # tangential vector to startpoint of curve S21 D(S22 SEG(3)) # tangential vector to segment 3 of curve S22 D(C20 MOD(2)) # vector from centerpoint of C20 to its endpoint C(S21 SEG(2)) # second object of composite-curve S21 (must be circle)