See operating CAD ..CAD Functions for Notes / Dimensions
see also Notes / Dimensions Notes / Dimensions use keycode N.N DIM hor/vert/parall. DIM
Linear Dimensional 2D N = # DIM Point1 Point2 Text [Angle Marrows Mlines "AdditionalText"] DimPoint 1 - measuring point 1 DimPoint 2 - measuring point 2 TextPosition - measuring text (center, bottom) [Direct.] - 0 = Horizontal, 90 = Vertical; no indication: parallel. [Arrows 0-4 0-4]: - measure arrows; 2 digits [Guides 0-1 0-1]: - measure guides; 2 digits [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: P1 = P (100 100) P2 = P (200 200) N1 = DIM P1 P2 150 50 ANG (0) "[+ 0.2" N2 = DIM P1 P2 250150 ANG (90) N3 = DIM P1 P2 100 180N DIM3 X/Y/Z/parl DIM3
3D-Measuring N # = DIM3 Point1 Point2 TextPoint [DimPlane] ["AdditionalText"] Point 1 - measuring point 1 Point 2 - measuring point 2 TextPosition - measuring text (center, bottom) DimPlane: change with PageUp- / PageDown-key X or Y or Z or no ( 'P' = default = parallel) No DimPlane: the text level goes through the Point1 and Point2 And is normal to the viewer. X - the distance from Point1 to Point2 on the X axis measured; The Texblock lies in the XY or XZ-plane. Y - the distance from Point1 to Point2 on the Y axis measured; The Texblock lies in the XY or YZ-plane. Z - the distance from Point1 to Point2 on the Z-axis measured; The Texblock lies in the YZ or XZ-plane. The dimension-text will be placed on a plane facing toward the viewer. [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: N20=DIM3 P20 P21 P(3642.685238 2645.94839 1690.14704) "Z1"N DIM Angle DIMA
Angles 2D N = # DIMA Point1 Direction1 Point2 Direction2 Text Point [Marrows Mlines "AdditionalText"] The measure line (arc) is counter-clockwise (CCW). DimPoint1/2 - define the starting points of the Measure guides, Direct1/2 - define the directions of measure guides. (Must be away from the text block to the intersection of the stock guides showing !) If necessary invert the direction by adding " REV" manually i.e. "D(L20) REV" [Arrows 0-4 0-4]: - measure arrows; 2 digits [Guides 0-1 0-1]: - measure guides; 2 digits [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: L20 = P (330 100 0) P (380 130 0) P20 = P (400 100 0) N20 = DIMA P20 ANG (0) P (L20 MOD (2)) ANG (L20) P (444 128 0) N20 = DIMA P20 ANG (L20) P21 ANG (L21) P22 12 11 [+ 0.5 "N DIM Dmr DIMD
Diameter Measurements 2D N = # DIM Circle TextPoint [Marrows "AdditionalText"] TextPosition - measuring text (center, bottom) [Arrows 0-4 0-4]: - measure arrows; 2 digits [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: # Outside: C20 = P (-200 100) 12 P28 = P (-175 70) N31 = DIMD C20 P28 "[+0.5"N DIM Radius DIMR
Radius level 2D N = # DIM Circle TextPoint [Marrows "AdditionalText"] TextPosition - measuring text (center, bottom) [Arrows 0-4 0-4]: - measure arrows; 2 digits [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: # Outside: C20 = P (-200 100) 12 P27 = P (-175 125) N30 = DIMR C20 P27 "[+0.5" # Inside: C21 = P (-200 200) 32 P29 = P (-210 190) N32 = DIMR C21 P29 "[+0.5"N PointPos,LN LDRP
Output of 3D coordinates of a point with 3D-Auxiliary line. The X/Y/Z-coordinates of a point will be displayed in the XY-plane. A line from the point to the TextPosition will be drawn. N = LDRP TextPosition [Point] [LineType] ["AdditionalText"] TextPosition - position of the text block Point - Issue of X / Y / Z-coordinate this point; [Add.Text]: AdditionalText - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: position of a point with 3 decimal places to spend: N20 = LDRP P (50 50 50) P (10 10 0.12345) "[3"N Text
3 D-Text with variable size, direction and special characters. (See also 2D-Text.) N# = TextPosition Size [Direction] Text TextPosition: position of the text block [TextSize]: text size; scalable, according to the standards / text. [TextAngle(Deg.)]: Direction of textblock (angle); default is 0 degrees. Text: Text - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: # "Angle 60 (degrees character) <"+0,123" {superscript} "0.5"{superscript}" N20=P(100 0) "angle 60 [g [/+0,123[\-0.5" Example: N10 = P5 "text to point P5" N11 = P (100100) 10 ANG (15) "Text Size 10, toward 15 degrees"N Text,LN LDR
Text with 1 or 2 2D-auxiliary lines, with or without arrow icon. Auxiliary line 2 (optional) from EndPoint-1 to EndPoint-2, the text is on the endpoint of the auxiliary lines. Auxiliary line and circle (currently) always in the XY-Plane. N = LDR StartingPoint EndPoint1 [EndPoint2] [TextAngle] [ArrowType] [AdditionalText] Startpoint Line: The starting point of the auxiliary line 1 EndPoint-1: endpoint of the auxiliary line 1 = starting point of the auxiliary line 2 [EndPoint-2]: endpoint of the auxiliary line 2 [ArrowTyp 0-4]: Arrowtype; a digit; default = automatic Text: Text - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: N21 = P LDR (50 10 0) P (100 50 0) ANG (0) 0 "abc"N Text,LN,Circle LDRC
Text with a circle and 2D-auxiliary line. A circle is created, text is placed inside. From the circle to StartPoint-Line a line is created. Line and circle are on the XY-Plane. N = LDRC TextPosition [StartPoint Line] [LineType] [Text] TextPosition - position of text and circle. [StartPoint Line]: Line from TextPosition to this point. LineType - unsupported Text: Text - special characters can be included (i.e. "[+ 0.2") Example: N22 = LDRC P (150 50 50) P (100 10 0) "P21"N TextTag,LN TAG
2 D-Text with or without textblock, with or without auxiliary line. (See also 3D-Text.) Fixed text size, always in top view. N = TAG TextPosition [StartPointLine] [Color] Text TextPosition: position of the text block [StartPoint Line]: startpoint of the auxiliary line to the textposition [color]: Color of the text block (no indication: text only, no Block) Text: as a special sign of 2D-Text are currently only "[n" (Line separator). Example: N23 = TAG P(150 50 50) P(100 10 0) "P21" N24 = TAG P(250 50 50) P (200 0 0) VAL(7) "N24 [nP25"N Symbol LDRS
A symbol or a vector. N = LDRS SymbolPosition [SymbolType] [Color] [EndpointVector] SymbolPosition [SymbolType] 0=star .. 6=arrowhead [color] Color of symbol [EndpointVector] - only for SymbolTypes 4, 5, 6 Example: # small triangle, red, at pos. 350,50,50 N25 = LDRS P(350 50 50) 1 2 # Arrowhead at enpoint of Line L21 N26=LDRS P(L21 MOD(2)) 6 P(L21 MOD(1))N Image Pos. Image-Filename IMG
Displays Images (pixel image). The images are always normal to the viewer, with a fixed size or automatic scaling. Supported Filetypes: JPG and BMP. (If the image shall be scaled, create a rectangular surface and apply the image - - select the surface with right mousebutton, select "Textur", ..). N# = IMG ImagePosition [StartPointLine] [Linetyp] Filename [Scale] ImagePosition: point for the lower left position of the image [StartPoint Line]: the startpoint of a connecting line to the lower left image position [Linetyp]: type of connecting line Filename: the file name of a imagefile (.jpg oder .bmp). The middle mouse button in the graphics window activates the file dialog box. The directory is a Symbol Path Name (See Symbolic File Names). [Scale]: if not defined (or value of 0), then the bitmap will be dynamically scaled. If a scale is given, it will be in fixed scale (No dynamic scaling). Example: N32 = IMG P(500 0 0) "Data/sample_bmp1.bmp" VAL(0.5) N20 = IMG P(0 0 0) "Data/Bild1.bmp" # Displays Windows Bitmap at path Data/Bild1.bmp No exporting of bitmaps.