Settings Options Standards / Tolerances Standards / Text Standards / Color Standards / Linetypes Standards / edit directory-path-file Standards / select directory-path-file Standards / Directories Changing the HTML browser (for Help) Standards / editor, change the text editor (for directories) Application startup Program-Directories ____________________________________________________________________________


Preferences for Print command and Browser are read from file {base}/cfg_{os}/xa.rc Default paths (menu - Standards -> Directories): Directories accessed with File/Open are defined in the file {base}/xa/dir.lst (Format: "symbolic base name | full path name / filename"). Default values ​​for Z-buffer size, model size, Text Sizes are in file {base}/xa/gCAD3D.rc. These are set with menu Standards -> Tolerances Standards -> text The setup file for the PostScript output is {base}/xa/psv.setup. ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards -> Tolerances

Tolerances will automatically tolerances derived from the (maximum) Model Size. Modify The entire model is recalculated immediately. Reset The values are reset to the values defined in file /xa/gCAD3D.rc). The room size (default is 500 mm) is used to calculate the tolerances (Curve representation, Identical-point tolerance, etc). Room size changes at 10m: MODSIZ 10000 The default value is in the file {base}/xa/gCAD3D.rc. ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards -> Text

This allows the default text sizes, and a scaling factors to be defined. The default text size in Notes is active when no explicit text size is defined. Modify The entire model is recalculated immediately. Reset Predefined values are in file /xa/gCAD3D.rc). The font size for text and dimensioning is defined by DEFTX Textsiz {>} {text {DimTextSiz General Scale} {} The number of decimal places is set interactively or in menu Standards -> text. The default values ​​are in the file {base}/xa/gCAD3D.rc. ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards -> Color

Defines default color. ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards -> Linetypes - [Linetyp]

The linetype table is defined in the file {base}/cfg_{os}/ltyp.rc Default is ~/gCAD3D/cfg_{os}/ltyp.rc. It is modified by editing the above file with a text editor. Additional linetypes may be defined up to a maximum of 45. This table is valid for all sub-models currently loaded. This table is not stored with the models: in the model only the table index is stored. Default-content of ltyp.rc is: 0 000 0 1 // Normal Typ_Att_PT 1 116 0 1 // text blue Typ_Att_def 2 000 2 1 // dashed Typ_Att_go 3 000 1 1 // dash-dot Typ_Att_rp 4 755 0 1 // faces1 thick1 Typ_Att_Fac 5 116 3 2 // faces2 thick1 Typ_Att_Fac1 6 555 0 1 // faces3 thick1 Typ_Att_Fac2 7 990 0 3 // yellow thick3 Typ_Att_Symb 8 090 0 3 // green thick3 Typ_Att_hili 9 822 0 4 // hilite thick4 Typ_Att_hili1 10 447 0 1 // dimmed thick4 Typ_Att_dim 11 000 0 4 // black thick4 Typ_Att_top1 12 900 2 2 // red dashed thick2 Typ_Att_top2 # # Format: indexNr colour lineTyp lineThick // comment # # colour 3 digits; red, green, blue. # 900 = red, 090 = green, 009 = blue; # 000 = black; 999 = white, 990 = yellow .. # lineTyp: 0 = full-line (VollLinie); 1 = dash-dot (Strich-Punkt), # 2 = dashed (kurz strichliert) 3 = dashed-long (lang strichliert), # lineThick: 1-6, thickness in pixels Example: Line Type 2 (G2): black, thin dashed lines; ltyp.rc to file with: 2 0 2 1 // Index 2, Color standard (0 = black), Type dashed line (2) // Standard line thickness (1 = thin)). Activation manually: G2=0 2 1 ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards/select directory-path-file

A symbolic-directory is a abbreviation for a directory-path. (see Symbolic modelfilenames) The default directory-path is ~/gCAD3D/dat; its symbolic name is "Data". The modelfilename "Data/Haus1.gcad will" be expanded to "~/gCAD3D/dat/Haus1.gcad". The modelfilename "Data/symEl1/res1.gcad" will be "~/gCAD3D/dat/symEl1/res1.gcad". The assignement symbolic-path to full-directory-path is defined in the active directory-path-file. "Standards/select directory-path-file" allows to change the active directory-path-file. Menu "select directory-path-file" provides a list of files with symbolic-directories. Select one to change the group of active symbolic-directories. Symbolic-directories are defined in files in the configuration-directory. The configuration-directory is ~/gCAD3D/cfg_{os}/ {os} is "Linux" or "MS". The default-file is ~/gCAD3D/cfg_Linux/dir.lst Create new files manually in ~/gCAD3D/cfg_{os}/. To edit the files see edit directory-path-file. ____________________________________________________________________________

menu Standards - edit directory-path-file

All directories that will be accessed with File/Open Model, should be defined here. In File/OpenModel - Dialog you can select a directory with button "DIR-SYM". There must be a directory-path defined for each symbolic name. The assignements symbolic-path to full-directory-path are defined in files. The assignement-file can be changed with "Standards/select directory-path-file" (see select directory-path-file). See also Symbolic modelfilenames. The active assignement-file can be modified with "Standards/edit directory-path-file". Add new sets or change existing directory-sets. Note: Access rights for writing is required. Comment-lines must be preceded with character "#". All path-definitions must end with '/' (MS-windows: "\") Symbolnames are freely selectable. Unix example: Data /usr/home/gCAD3D/dat/ IGS /mnt/win_d/gCAD3D/Models/igs/ Shell variables can be used; eg: DXF ${HOME}/dxf_models/ MS Windows example: Data C:\WINDOWS\gCAD3D\dat\ IGS F:\MODELS\gCAD3D\igs\ CD0 D:\ The symbolic directory '.' is replaced by the currently active directory (Eg. for textures to load from the same directory as the native model). ____________________________________________________________________________

Startup Parameters:

The program can be started with the following parameters: comp // compile dll's - activate checkbox exit // normal Programmstop (with saving) crashEx // Programmstop without saving mode_cad // start in CAD mode. mode_cad_1_2 // Start in CAD mode, with main-function and sub-function // main-functions: 0=PT, 1=LN, 2=CI .. // mode_cad_6_3 = S (curve) / B-spline mode_man // start in MANual mode. noTB // no Toolbar noMB // no MessageWindow noBrw // no BrowserWindow defLoad // load the model last used {modelName} // load model; filetype can be: // .gcad, .dxf, .igs, .stp, .bmp. .jpg // Directories: see Directories {pluginName} // no filetype: start plugin (DLL, shared library) with this name rcmd {filNam} // start file with remote-commands starten. See RemoteControl Undefined parameters: {Filename}.{Filetype} Filetype .gcad, .dxf, .igs, .stp, .bmp, .jpg: // load model/image. File name must be complete. No filetype: // plugin (DLL, shared library) with that name to load; Examples: gcad3d Data/sample_mockup1.gcad noTB noMB Load model "sample_mockup1" from the (symbolic) directory Data, hide toolbar and message window. gcad3d comp defLoad tst3 Start with last used model, dynamically unload compile and reload dll (shared library) tst3. ____________________________________________________________________________

Program Directories:

All directories are created under ${HOME}/gCAD3D/. The default directories can be altered in the startup script /usr/bin/gcad3d if required. ____________________________________________________________________________