Additional text with special characters A special character is generated by a sequence of 2 characters. [d diameter sign [g degree sign (angle) [+ + - Signs [' double quote (") [/ Superscript [\ Subscript [n new line (return, CR) [% Is replaced by the standard text. If the text does not include [%, the default text provided throughout is inserted. [- no standard text. [[ a square bracket "[" [0 to [9 only N=DIM3 and N=LDRP: Number of decimal places of the dimensions (must be at the beginning of the text block) [V20] to expand a numeric variable (V20 in the example) Example: “[+ 0.2 "

Dimension arrows [ArrowTyp 0-4] are defined by specifying a number with 2 digits; one digit for each of the two dimension arrows; No indication or -1: create both arrows automatically. 0 no dimension arrow; 1 < left arrow 2 > right arrow 3 / slash 4 > < arrow right and arrow left Example: "12" left arrow and right arrow

Extension lines [Guides 0-1 0-1] are defined by specifying a number with 2 digits; one digit for each of the two extension lines; 0 = no guide, 1 = line Default is 11 (two lines)