See operating CAD ..


Joints are objects of submodels becoming exported into the parent model. Joints using the code letter J. Applications for Joints: Assemblies, Schematics (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic) Importing points as connecting points (example) Import a reference-system (plane) for positioning a submodel. Kinematics NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Animation paths, Camera Drives NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.

Joints on points:

The corresponding object (point or plane) is created automatically when inserting this model as external submodel - the object is imported in the parent model. Example: The current model is an electrical resistance; the connection points are defined as joints. When inserting the resistance as a submodel the Connection points automatically generate normal points. See sample_DiagEl1.gcad model. # Export: J1 = P20 # export point in subModel # Import: (is created automatically by import of external submodel as M20) P20=IMP M20 J1 # import Joint Nr.1 from subModel M20 Example: - create model with points to connect (eg my_jnt1.gcad): - create a rectangle, create the connection-points - set the connention-points as JOINTS: CAD create joint-export, sel point .. - store model as eg my_jnt1.gcad - create model using external connection-points (eg my_jnt2.gcad): - load model with connection-points (eg my_jnt1.gcad) CAD Submodel "M external Model" my_jnt1.gcad, set position, OK. The connection-points have been created automatically - see MAN - the connection-points can be used as normal points .. - store model as eg my_jnt2.gcad See also model Data/sample_DiagEl1.gcad

CAD-Functions Joints:


Export the selected object of the current model as a joint. joint-object select point or plane Output: J1 = P20