See operating CAD


Vectors use the identification letter D (direction). See also: vector codes (what is a vector ..) See also: dynamic vectors

VEC cartes, polar

Create vector. BaseVector basevector see vector [Angle-Rot.] rotation around the z-axis of the active construction-plane [Angle-Tilt] tilting angle in the active construction-plane [Length] Definition of vector length [REVers] Reverse Direction ("REV"; also with Page-Down key) Definition basevector: Definition by entering the components of the axis (eg "0 0 1", a z-vector) Or input of a standard vector - eg key in "DX" - or select X- Y- or Z-axis of symbolic-axis-system in left low corner Standardvectors are DX DY DZ DIX DIY DIZ - of the absolute coordinate-system, DX is 1,0,0; DY is 0,1,0 .. - or select X- Y- or Z-axis of symbolic-axis-system in left low corner Or a defined vector (eg "D20"; with Page-Up or Down key or select from the objectbrowser (left side)) Or selection of a line or polygonsegment (or polygonsegment in CCV) or plane or plain surface. Examples: # Vector from X,Y,Z-components: D20=D(0.7 0 0.7) # X-Vector rotated 30 deg. around the z-axis of the active construction-plane # and then 60 deg. tilted. D21=DX ANG(30) ANG(60) # Vector reverted D22=D21 REV

VEC from objects

Vectors parallel or right-angled to existing objects. Obj1 Line or curve or surface [Point (on obj)] basepoint for vector (point) [PT or VC] additional object (parallel / normal vector) [Length] Definition of vector length [REVers] Reverse Direction ("REV"; with Page Down key) [parallel-across] parallel (tangential (PARL)) or normal (rectangular (CX)) Parallel vector: Vector tangential to curve Obj1 Line or curve or surface [Point (on obj)] Basepoint of vector on curve / surface [Length] [REVers] Vector between 2 points Obj1 startpoint [Point (on obj)] endpoint [Length] [REVers] Vector on surface parallel to Isoparametric direction U or V - not yet implemented for all surface-types Vector X-axis or Y-axis for circle ellipse plane Obj1 surface circle ellipse or plane [Length] [REVers] PARL oder CX PARL: direction U (along) CX: direction V (across) none: Normalvector to surface Normal vector: Normalvector to circle ellipse plane surface - not yet implemented for all surface-types Obj1 circle ellipse plane surface [Length] [REVers] Normalvector to plane from 2 linear segments (crossproduct): Obj1 line or vector [PT or VC] point or vector or vector from line [Length] [REVers] Normalvector to plane from 3 points (crossproduct): Obj1 point on x-axis [Point (on obj)] origin (startpoint for X-axis, Y-axis) [PT or VC] point near Y-axis [Length] [REVers] Vector from plane / reference-system (R): Obj1 select user-defined plane [PT or VC] key DX or DY or DZ - gives the corresponding axis; - result is "D#=R# DX" or "D#=R# DY" or "D#=R# DZ" Examples: # Normal vector to circle D20=C20 # Tangential vector to circle D21=C20 P(C20 0.2) # Vector between points P1, P2; length 100. D5=P1 P2 VAL(100) # Normal vector to line L20: D20=L20 DZ # Vectors of existing Plane: D20=R20 DX # X-axis-Vector of plane R20 or D20=R20 PARL or "D(R20 PARL)" D20=R20 DY # Y-axis-Vector of plane R20 or D20=R20 CX D20=R20 # Z-axis-Vector of plane R20 or D20=R20 DZ
The following commands must be produced manually:

Vector-Multiplication / Divison

D21 = D20 * 2 D22 = D20 / 2