Script programs / Application
General programming-functions Programming-functions for Applications Programming-functions for Catalog-files
General programming-functions - General-programming-functions can be used in all .gcad-Models; - can be created only in mode "MAN" (or be read from file) General programming-functions are: #-Comment, PRI, JUMP-Label, IF, WRITE, CALL, EXIT. # - Comment # as the first character of a line defines a commentline. ObjectName: ObjectName is comment added to a Definition-codeline; - create in MAN: add "# name1 [name2 ..]" at end of code; see Example; - create in CAD: add "name1 [name2 ..]" into inputfield ObjectName - can be used to filter objects. See ../../doc/html/Search_de.htm - "has infotext" - Example ObjectName: V20=4 # rad pin V21=10 # rad head V22=16 # len pin V23=6 # len head C20=P(0 0) VAL(V20) C21=P(0 0 -V23) VAL(V21) C22=P(0 0 V22) VAL(V20) A20=SRU C20 C22 A21=SRU C21 C20 P20=P(25,0) L20=P(0,0) P20 - select checkbox "Search/Name" - key "len" into "has infotext:"; press button "search/update" - key "pin" into "has infotext:"; press button "search/update" PRI - Testoutput of text / variables: # output into message-window only for tests # output of the geometric structure of variables (V), points (P), vectors (D) # output of other objecttypes with DUMP PRI "Text" PRI "Point1 =" P1 PRI "Var 1 =" V1 HIDE - hide obj # If used in MAN or batch-programs: add HIDE before creation of obj; C20=P(130 130 100) 40 HIDE A20 A20=C20 DUMP - Testoutput: # output into message-window only for tests # output of lists, the geometric structure of Cobjects, .. # see also "PRI" DUMP# output geometric structure of database-object DUMP "GA" # output Grafic_Attributes_list DUMP "DL" # output display-list DUMP "AT" # output linetypetable DUMP "TX" # output textures DUMP "SD" # output all symbolic directories # Beispiele: DUMP C22 # output geometric structure of circle C22 JUMP - program-branching: JUMP Labelname .. :Labelname # where to go. Must be absolute identical - check case. IF - conditional processing: if value condition value ; JUMP Labelname possible conditions are: EQ equal, NE not equal, LT less than, GT greater than, L_E less or equal, G_E greater or equal. # Example programloop: V20=10 :Next PRI "Var 20 =",V20 V20=V20+10 IF V20 LT 55 ; JUMP Next EXIT Exit program. CALL - execute commandfile CALL "symDir/filename" # or CALL "/absolute-filename" # Example: CALL "Data/sample_prg_call_1.dat" PRI "V20=" V20 C20=P(0 0 0) V20 # File Data/sample_prg_call_1.dat: V20=12 WRITE - write into file: The file will be created in the temporary directory; the filetype is ".write". Thisfiles will be deleted always when starting a new model. All lines between WRITE and ENDWRITE will be written into file {filNam}.write. This files can be loaded with CALL "{filNam}". # Example write file, read file. #JUMP L1 PRI"WRITE-start" WRITE "TestPar1" V20=15 V21=16 ENDWRITE # :L1 PRI "L1-start" CALL "TestPar1" PRI"V20="V20"; V21="V21 #
Programming-functions for Applications - in Applications all general programming-functions can be used; - Applications are scriptprograms (files) - - filetype is ".gcap" see "Applications/Create" - Applications have additional Programfunktions - Applications have input-forms - Applications files-directoryFunctions Menu Applications:
Applications / Start Selection and start of a program. Directory: {any_direcory} Filetyp: .gcap The program selected last can be started directly with Ctrl-P. The directory of the program selected last is stored in file cfg/xa.rc. Each program will automatically get a window; each window automatically gets 3 buttons: an Update, a Cancel and an OK button. Update button: (also rightMouseButton) the program is processed and displayed, but not saved. Cancel button: Cancel the program. OK button: (also Ctrl-rightMouseButton) Program is processed, all non-internal objects are transferred to the main program. Applications / Edit Starts a text editor for the active program. For further details, see "General program structure" below The program selected last can be edited directly with Ctrl-E. Applications / Create Creates a new program. Directory/file name of the executable files: {baseDir}/prg/{Programname}.gcap The program directory can be set/modified only in line 7 of file: "{baseDir}/cfg/xa.rc"
How to create / test a new program: Create an empty program (Create); Insert code (eg from examples); save (KEdit: Ctrl-S); Start program (with Ctrl-P); Cancel or OK.
General programme structure: # block Declarations INTERN .. # See INTERN. DLG .. # The DLG codes (dialogue) can place input fields in the form. # See definition Input form. # block initialize DLG-variables # All variables used in input fields ( "DLG ..") must # be declared here. # This will also define the primary values of the fields specified. .. # Block Program Code ..
Directory-applicationprograms: Default-directory is the symbolic directory "APPLI" - - see Symbolic filenames.
Program Codes: Will be evaluated in all modelfiles (.gcad files): #-comment, PRI, JUMP-Label, IF, WRITE, CALL, EXIT Will be evaluated only in applications (.gcap files): ##-comment, INTERN, NEW, evaluation-function, DLG, DEBUG. Will be evaluated only in catalog-modelfiles: CALL CTLG. Comment The # character as the first character of a line defines a comment line. Lines with one # at the beginning exist only in the program (.gcap); Lines with two ## at the beginning are copied into the main program (.gcad). INTERN {range ..} Definition of variables that are needed only for calculations inside the program; these are not exported into the main model. INTERN must be within the first part of the programme (Declarations). Example: INTERN P1-P20 P50 V1-V20 V33 L1-L3 # All points from P1 to P20 and point P50 and ... # are only used internally, no export into the main model. V{#}=NEW({objTyp},{startIndex}) Returns the next free object number objTyp: V (variable), P (point), L (line), C (circle), D (vector), S (curve), A (area) Example: V1=NEW(P,20) # Returns the first free point index number > 20 into variable 1. # Application: see the evaluation function (top brackets) Evaluation function (top brackets) An expression between brackets is replaced by its result. Variables, points and vectors can be used. Output: <V#> the num. value (the content of the variable) <P#> P(xCoord yCoord zCoord) <D#> D(xCoord yCoord zCoord) Examples: V1=10 V2=20 P<V1>=P(<V2> 0 0) gives: P10=P(20 0 0) P11=P(<X(P10)+1> 0 0) gives: P11=P(21 0 0) (Function X(P10) extracts the X-coordinate from point P10). D10=DZ D11=D(0 0 <Z(D10)>) gives: D11=P(0 0 1) (Function Z(D10) extracts the Z coordinate from vector D10). DEBUG ON|OFF ON: Display of test output; continue to the next program line with the Esc key.
Definition Input form: # Horizontal ruler: DLG --- # Display additional information: DLG TXT "{InfoText}" # Input from numerical values into V variables: DLG V{#} "{InfoText}" {fieldWidth} # Info text is next to the input field. # Input of points in point variables P: DLG P{#} "{InfoText}" {fieldWidth} # Input of vectors in vector variables D: DLG D{#} "{InfoText}" {fieldWidth} # Select checkbox DLG CKB V{#} "{InfoText}" # Select radiobox DLG RDB V{#} "{InfoText}" # radioboxes are checkboxes, which are mutually exclusive, # they have same output variable. ---------------------------- Examples: ---------------------------- #----------------------------- # Example input value DLG TXT Test1 DLG V20 "TestVar" PRI "value is "V20 #----------------------------- # Example input value, Position, Checkbox, Radiobox # do not export: INTERN P1 P50 V1-V3 # Text DLG TXT Test Form # input value position DLG V1 "Length - " 150 DLG P1 "Position " 150 DLG --- # Checkbox DLG CKB V2 "export" DLG --- # 3 Radioboxen DLG RDB V3 "Point" DLG RDB V3 "Line" DLG RDB V3 "Circ" # initialize all variables V1=60 # set "export" not checked V2=0 # preset to Circ. V3=3 P1=P(0 0 0) PRI "V1 = "V1"; V2 = "V2"; V3 = "V3 PRI "P1 = "P1 #
Key assignment: Ctrl P starts last executed program; Ctrl E edit last executed program; Esc: go into previous input field; during program execution: stop the process. in debug mode: continue with next program line. Tab: next input field. Right/outer mouse button: starts Update; Ctrl-right/outer mouse button: starts OK;
Example programs: #----------------------------- # create 10 points, without dialog: INTERN V1 # do not export V1 V1=NEW(P,20) # startindex V2=V1 + 10 # endIndex P<V1>=P(100 100 0) # startpoint D20=D(100 0 0) # offset :L1 V1=V1 + 1 P<V1>=P<V1 - 1> D20 # new point with offset D20 IF V1 LT V2; JUMP L1 # #----------------------------- # Example get value from user and export to model with new/unused ID. # do not export V1 - V19 INTERN V1-19 # setup dialog-window DLG TXT Test1 DLG V1 "TestVar" # init the dialog-variable V1=10 # get a new, uniq variable-ID V2=NEW(V,20) # export the value from the dialog-window with a new ID # add an object-name (use it for filtering) V<V2>=<V1> PRI "new var V" <V2> "=" <V1> # #----------------------------- # Example create new point with user-defined X-Value # do not export V1,V2 (internal use only) INTERN V1-2 # get new poinIndex V1=NEW(P,20) DLG V2 "X-Coord - " 60 # Init Variables V2=10 P<V1>=P(<V2> 0 0) # #----------------------------- # Example create new point OR Circ INTERN V1-4 P1 V3=NEW(P,20) V4=NEW(C,20) # DLG RDB V1 "Point" DLG RDB V1 "Circ" DLG P1 "select/indicate position" 150 DLG V2 "radius" 100 # preSet 1="Point", 2="Circ" V1=1 P1=P(0 0 0) V2=10 # if V1 EQ 2; JUMP L_Circ P<V3>=P(<X(P1)> <Y(P1)> <Z(P1)>) JUMP L_cont # :L_Circ C<V4>=P(<X(P1)> <Y(P1)> <Z(P1)>) <V2> :L_cont # #----------------------------- # Example create single chain of points; # the following line will be exported into model; ## create single chain of points # do not export the following variables with OK: INTERN P1 V1-10 D1 # put textlines into the panel DLG TXT Create linear point-pattern. DLG TXT Select or indicate Startpoint; DLG TXT Give offset (X-offset,y-offset,z-offset) DLG TXT Define nr of points; DLG TXT Update: Button or right mousebutton DLG TXT in the mainWindow; DLG TXT OK: button or Crtl-Right mousebutton. # get Startpoint from user into P1; # inputfieldsize 150 DLG P1 " Startpoint " 150 # get pointoffset from user # Offset must be a Vektor (3 values !) DLG D1 " OffsetVec." 150 # get nr of points from user DLG V1 " nr of points" 150 #-------- init all dialog-variables---------- P1=P(0 0 0) D1=D(10 0 0) V1=3 #----------programCode --------- #DEBUG ON # get a new pointindex for the outputpoints # beginning with index 5 (preserve P1) V2=NEW(P,5) # init pointCounter V3=0 # decode the startpoint V4=X(P1) V5=Y(P1) V6=Z(P1) # decode the offsetVector V7=X(D1) V8=Y(D1) V9=Z(D1) :Next # incr counter V3=V3+1 # add offset V4=V4+V7 V5=V5+V8 V6=V6+V9 # create point with next index v2 P<V2>=P(<V4> <V5> <V6>) # increment pointindex V2=V2+1 if V3 lt V1 ; jump Next #
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