Modify Catalog
Create Catalog
Delete Catalog
CATALOG - This function is used to generate standard parts.
After selecting a standard part (Part Catalog) from a norm part of the standard library can be part of a submodel.
Using standard-parts:
In "CAD" main function mode, select the function "Submodels/M CatalogPart".
Select a standard part or a standard parts catalog.
Select position, select OK to save.
The following line of code is generated: "M# = "/.ctlg" .."
Example: M28="Profile/6x4_150.ctlg" P (0 0 0) DZ DIY
Profile.ctlg is the catalogfile,
6x4_150 is the partname in the catalogfile
Catalogfiles are in the symbolic directory "CATALOG".
Catalog-parts are based on a model (filetyp .gcad) and
a list of values (filetyp .ctlg).
Both files are text (not binary).
Catalog-part-files (filetyp .ctlg) are in the symbolic directory "CATALOG".
Change it with "Standards/Directories".
Modify Catalog
This allows to add additional Parts in an existing parts-catalog.
Select a standard part library, then with a modification editor.
All standard parts libraries are located in directory {CATALOG}.
A standard part library is a text file.
The file name must have extention ".ctlg"
Each line of a standard part library defines a standard part.
The lines starting with '#' are comment lines.
The standard definition of a part consists of:
Part (name), (Symbolic Model Base Directory / Base Model Name), (Parameters)
Part Name:
The name of the standard part, max. 64 characters.
Symbolic Model Base Directory:
The symbolic path of the base model; see Standards / Directories
Base Model name:
The base model (Type. Gcad)
Any gCAD3D parameters are separated by semi-colons ';'
These codes are in the base model by "CALL CTLG" loaded.
Example standard part library Schrau.ctlg in symDir CATALOG:
# SKS: Hexagonal Screws;
# V20 = NennDmr; V21 = Key Width; V22 = Head Thickness; V23 = Length
SKS_6x30; Schrau / SKS; V20 = 6; V21 = 10; V22 = 5; V23 = 30;
SKS_10x30; Schrau / SKS; V20 = 10; V21 = 17; V22 = 8; V23 = 30;
# SB: Discs
# V20 = innerDmr; V21 = outerDmr; V22 = Thickness
SB_6; Schrau / SB; V20 = 6.4; V21 = 12; V22 = 1.8;
SB_10; Schrau / SB; V20 = 10.5; V21 = 21; V22 = 2.5;
# End of file
Example base model SB.gcad:
Disc #
# V20 = innerDmr
# V21 = outerDmr
# V22 = thickness
V20 = 6.4
V21 = 12
V22 = 1.8
# Override the variables V20, V21, and V22.
V23 = V20 / 2
V24 = V21 / 2
C20 = P (0 0 0) VAL (V23)
C21 = P (0 0 0) VAL (V24) DR
C22 = P (0 0 V22) VAL (V23)
C23 = P (0 0 V22) VAL (V24) DR
A20 = C21 C20
A21 = C23 C22
A22 = CYL L (P (0 0 0) DR) VAL (V24) 03600 V22
# Schrau(be) ist the german word for Screw
Create Catalog
Creates a new standard part library.
The file name is freely selectable.
Delete Catalog
Deleting a standard part library.
The directory for the catalogparts must be registered in the file for
all directories as symbol "CATALOG".
With function Standards/Directories the registration can be done / modified.
Example Unix (default):
CATALOG /home/userName/gCAD3D/ctlg/
The file for all directories is - for installation unix-default:
Simple example for a catalog-part:
# Create following model test_ctlg1.gcad in directory
C20=P(0 0 0) V20
# create catalog-file test_ctlg1.gcap in directory with -
# CAD - Catalog/Create Catalog / test_ctlg1 OK
# edit catalog-file test_ctlg1.gcap
# CAD - Catalog/Modify Catalog / test_ctlg1
# insert following lines:
# use new catalog:
# CAD - subModels "M CatalogPart" / List /