<dy 090920 ok> See operating CAD .. CAD-functions for modifying geometry CUT, Trim Intersect, intersection curves (INT) Transform (move, rotate) (TRA) Project MirrorCUT (trim) obj CUT
Trim / limit linear elements (lines, curves). (Separate with one or two cutting elements). Caution: currently only for curves, not yet for surfaces/solids and CCVs. CUT Obj CuttingElement (CuttingElement2) (Variant) (REVerse) Obj: this element will be changed (trimmed). If it is already trimmed, also its parent-object will be displayed in the selection-list. Cutting element: the object will be separated with this element one (optionally two) elements, e.g. points. For curves, parameter values (0-1) can be used. Two cutting elements: result is the mid-part. Variant: which of the resulting elements will be retained Other/s will be discarded Change with the Page Up/Page Down keys Default or “1” saves the first resulting object REVerse: Reverse the direction of the resulting curve.Example: L20 = P(-60 30 0) P(20 70 0) C20 = P(-14 40 0) VAL(32) DZ S20 = CUT C20 L20 L20 # Circle C20 is limited at both ends (trimmed). # Parameter values as cutting element: S21 = CUT S20 0.33 0.66
INT (intersect) obj INT
Create intersection points / intersection curves. resulting_object = INT Obj1 Obj2 [version] [POL] Obj1: object 1 Curve or surface. Continue with Tab-key Obj1: object 2 Curve or surface For curves, parameter values (0-1) can be used. Version: Define which element of the result is to be saved. Other/s are discarded. Select using the PageUp/PageDown keys. Default or "1": Saves the first result object (point or curve) "2" would select the second one .. POL: Only for curves as a result output is polygon or spline (default is spline) Example: P20 = P(-62.5 -63.7 0) S20 = CCV P20 P(-20 -70) P(-40 -15) P20 A20 = S20 # P21 = P(-60 -110 20) P22 = P(S20 MOD (2) 1) S21 = POL P21 P20 P22 P21 A21 = S21 # R20 = X(-35) # # A group of Areas: S22 = INT U(A20 A21) R20 POL # point from intersection line x surface: P1=INT L1 A1 # curve from intersection curve X surface: # (curve: circle, ellipsis, B-Spline) not yet implemented # curve from intersection surface x surface: S1=INT A1 A2 P4=INT C1 C2 MOD(2) # intersection-point nr. 2 from intersection C1 - C2TRAnslate obj (VC) TRA
Translate an object Result = Object TRA Obj_to_move vector [length] TRA Obj_to_move: this object is moved Vector length vectorlength (optional) replace-duplicat if parentobject should be kept or hidden; default = keep. press Page-down to keep ("REPL"). A new, translated object (a copy) will be created. Permanent translation of the selected object: use "Group/move objects of group" # Objects to move a vector (REV: opposite direction). # Obj = vec TRA obj/traVC [REV] P20 = P(100,0,0) P21 = TRA P20 D(0 0 100) # "TRafo transl" (define Transformation) T20 = D(10 10 10) # "TRAnslate obj (VC)" and keep parent P22 = TRA P21 T20 # TraVC (T20 in the example): see Transformation # replace parent P23=TRA P22 D(0 0 100) REPLTRAnslate obj (PLN) TRA
Move an object to a different reference system. Each layer can be used as a reference system. Result object = TRA object reference system [REV] Reference System REV: Move an object from a reference system back into the main location. Example: R20 = P(100 100 25) D (-1 0 2) L20 = P(100 100 25) P (100 120 25) # Move line L20 to the Refsys R20 L21 = TRA L20 R20 # Move a line back into the main location. L22 = TRA L21 R20 REVTRAnsform obj (Tra) TRA
Transformation of objects (move, rotate). The transformation must be defined previously! Result object = TRA object transformation Transformation: Select example using the PageUp/PageDown keys Translation: P20 = P(100 0 0) Translation # Z in the direction of 100 mm T20 = DZ VAL(100) P21 = TRA P20 T20 Rotation: P20 = P(100 0 0) # Define a 30-Grad-Rotation to line L20 L20 = P(50 0 0) P(50 0 10) T20 = ROT L20 ANG(90) # P20 rotate P21 = TRA P20 T20reverse curve REV
Reverse direction of curve. The resulting curve looks identical.Project obj PRJ
Project points or linear elements (lines, circles, curves) onto an other linear element or on a surface. Resulting_object = PRJ object targetObject [direction] [solutionNr] object: project this object - targetObject: - onto this object. direction: projection-direction, a vector; none: normal to targetObject. solutionNr: 1-n, PgUp/PgDown keys. Example: P21=PRJ P20 R20 # Point P20 will be projected on the plane R20; direction is perpendicular. S20 = PRJ S20 R20 D20 # Curve S20 will be projected in direction of D20 on the plane R20Parallel obj (offset) PARL
Create a parallel object. Until now only for planar curves. basic obj select curve offset dist keyIn distance [basic plane/surf] optional - define plane of curve [nr of contour; 0=all] if result has more than one curves: no input or 1 gives first curve .. [rounded/edges] no rounding of corners; until now only for circle, line Example: S23=PARL S21 VAL(3) # creates curve S21 parallel to curve S20, distance is 3.Mirror about line or plane MIR
Reflect objects across a line or plane Currently, only for linear elements, plane, not surfaces. resulting object = MIR object line Example: S20=MIR S20 L20 # Curve S20 is mirrored across line L20curvature 2 curves TNG
Modify 2 connected B-spline-curves to get G1 (tangentiality), G2 (curvature). Input: curv-1,2: 2 Bspl-Curves; must have a common start- or endpoint, may not be trimmed. ang-dev-tng: 0: same deviation on curv-1 and curv-2; 50: max. deviation on curv-2, min dev. on curv-1; -50: max. deviation on curv-1, min dev. on curv-2; 1=G1, 2=G2 1=tangential, 2=curvature; Output: returns modified curv-1; OK to save. To get modified curv-2: select curve-2, (unmodified) curve-1, negative ang-dev-tng. The modification affects the second and the following point of the curve. To reduce the deviation insert a point between the first and the second point.ISOparametric Curve from Surf ISO
Extracts an isoparametric curve from a surface. Currently only B-Spline surface. Entering point or parameter value has not yet been implemented Input: Surface Parameter value (0-1) Default: lengthwise Direction; "CX" defines lateral direction. (Modifier CX = across; Default = along) S = parameter surf ISO/point (direction U/V) Example: # Cross-section curve in the middle of the surface A20: S20 = ISO A20 .5 CX