gCAD3D - Development

Linux-Installation-source Linux-installed-directories Development-packages Development-documentation Create_plugin


Required Debian-dev-packages: libgtk2.0-dev [libgtk2.0-doc gtk2.0-examples] [libjpeg-progs libjpeg-turbo-utils] [mesa-common-dev mesa-utils] libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev [fakeroot lintian] git gitk [dpkg] ctags [cscope]


Basedirectory Default is ~/devel/gcad3d/ working-directory is ~/devel/gcad3d/src/UIX - primary tool is script "do" src/UIX build unix-executables; "./do help" | build MS-Windows--executables; "do help" | /APP aux-sources - testProgs | /DEB build debian-package (makefiles); | /RPM build rpm-package (not active; no gtk2_glarea-lib) | /MSVC build MS-VC-Windows-executable (not active; was used for Win-32-bit) debian/ create debian-package pack_MSYS/ create MS-Windows-package rpm/ create rpm-package (not active; no gtk2_glarea-lib) icons icons doc documentation packages install-packages


- Development - documentation is located in ~/devel/gcad3d/src/inf/* - Development-documentation can be shown by accessing tags - The editor should be capable of using tagfiles. - all tags start with INF_ - primary tag is "INF" - access primary tag with: "vi -t INF" (in directory ${DIR_DEV}gcad3d/src/UIX/) - access info object-types with: "vi -t INF_obj_types" - access tag in vi-editor: key Ctrl-r jumps to tag under cursor; Ctrl-o returns. - aceess tag direct - eg: vim -t INF or vim -t DLL_dyn__ - acess direct: vi ../inf/infotext.c


- in directory ${DIR_DEV}gcad3d/src/UIX/ - the development-documentation consists of textfiles (../inf/*.c) - create new documentation-file eg with "vi ../inf/.c" - each reBuild of gcad ("./do c") also recompiles all new / modified info-files History Development-documentation: 1990-2018 doxygen was used, see ../../doc/gcad/index.htm since 2019 the development-documentation consists of textfiles
Send bug reports, suggestions for improvements to support@gcad3d.org ________________________________________________________________________