Testtool TSTF

- can be used by plugin - can process codes and commands read in from a file - can execute remote-commands (eg load model ..) - can add and process cad-codes - can stop / continue program (WAIT_ESC) - can dump data (DUMP ()) - can call system-programs (edit (input-)file ..) - provides callback for private testfunctions (TSTF_cb()) - can process subroutines Test_it: - set Option/compile DLL ON (or cadstart with parameter "comp") - select Plugin / Demo_tstf_1 - modify inputfile (eg ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.dat) without stopping gcad; - set appropriate filename in ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.c - Ctrl-P will rebuild and restart the plugin See demoprogram (plugin Demo_tstf_1 - ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.c). See inputfile ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.dat for this plugin. See RemoteControl
:LOFTU2_1: # startlabel; start of block "LOFTU2_1"; # next label = end-of-block; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # remote-commands - see ../../doc/html/RemoteControl_en.htm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::CLEAR # clear complete dataspace; no check for save-model; ::MODSIZ() # set modelsize (tolerances) ::SHOW (S-5,OFF) # hide curve -5 ::WAIT_ESC # wait for Esc-key from user ::ZOOMALL ::system (pluma /tmp/t1) # call editor; wait until closed .. ::DUMP (C20) # dump cad-object eg C20 ::LOAD(Data/Haus1.gcad) # load model #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # callBack-commands #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::: :SM1: # call subfunction, return into calling block ::: # see example in ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.c # - datafile is ../APP/Demo_tstf_1.dat